Custom Forms

When forms are available at a case they are at the top right hand corner of the case details area. See Custom forms at the case for further details.

The custom forms editor displays existing custom forms in the system, enables you to edit them and to create new forms.

To access this click Edit from the form tool bar on the top right hand side of the case details area.

Create custom form

  1. At the Custom Forms editor click New Form to create a new custom form.
  2. Give the new form a name.
  3. You can link a document template to the form.
  4. For details about linking forms and documents see Documents and custom forms below.

  5. If you want to restrict the form to certain categories, untick All categories and select from the Categories dropdown list.

  1. All possible case details fields and custom fields are listed. Tick the Include checkbox for each field that you want to include in the form.
    1. You can rename standard Case Manager fields in the Custom Label field.
    2. You can include custom fields in the form.
    3. You can change the place of a field in the form by selecting the row and clicking the Move Up or Move Down buttons.
  2. When you have included all required fields click OKto save the form.

Documents and custom forms

You can link a document template to a form, so that a new document (based on the template) can be automatically created from the custom form:

When the template contains the appropriate merge fields, the document will include the case details that just entered at the form.

Important note

Like all documents created from templates with merge fields, the document contains the value of each Case Manager field (identified by its merge field) at the moment of document creation. If these values ever change in the case, they are not automatically updated in the original document.

Thus, if you do change any data in the form after document creation and you want the document to reflect your updates, you must delete the original document and re-create it from the form.

An older Video demonstration of custom forms.