Standard reports
Case Manager standard reports handle most common business needs.
To run a report select View > Reports from the main menu and select the report.
Most reports can be filtered by various parameters, such as time, case category, company, and so on.
Reports can often be previewed and output to a number of formats
You can view the outcomes for closed cases as summary data or in detail.
Outcome Summary
This report provides an overview of the outcomes. It can provide useful marketing information on the performance of an organisation.
Information is summarised for each particular outcome: the number of cases, the percentage overall for that outcome, the average delay to referral and the average cost. This report can be filtered by date range, company, category, employee, team and office.
Outcome Detail
This report provides detailed outcome information: the client, the outcome, the employer, cost, duration of program and delay to referral. This report can also be filtered by date range, company, category, employee, team and office. This report can also be filtered as above.
Overdue Accounts
The Overdue Accounts report displays a list of customers who have invoices outstanding.
For each customer the amounts are categorised as current, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days overdue. The customer’s telephone details are included in this report so they can be contacted easily to follow up the outstanding amounts.
Customer Accounts reports
The Customer Accounts reports list all the account transactions in the system for either one or all customers. You can control whether the report includes invoices, adjustments and/or payments. A date range can also be specified.
Sales Summary
This report lists sales figures for a specific periods, calculated from invoice totals. It can be filtered by a number of parameters, such as case category or employee.
Tax reports
Summaries of tax (eg. GST, VAT) paid in a specific period are provided in two reports. Your chice depends on your accounting method. The Tax Accrual report gives a summary of GST paid for a specific period with an accrual accounting method. The Tax Cash report gives the required information about GST paid for a cash accounting method. If you are unsure about the meaning of these terms for your business, you can find information outside the training program at GSTandVAT.htm
Time Sheet
This report prints a weekly time sheet for one or more employees. It displays the total number of hours for each day plus a final total for the
week. Times can be broken down by activity if required.
Employee Charge Statistics
This report details a consultant's chargeable hours on a weekly, monthly or by activity.
The report can be based on invoiced costs if the consultants are paid only after their costs have been invoiced. The base rate can also be displayed.
If consultants are paid based on the hours they have charged, this report will show the total owing to the employee using their base rate. It will also display how much they have charged for the company.
You will find more detailed information about these and other Reports in the rest of this site.
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