Tasks list

Tasks describe units of work that should be completed within specified periods of time, see Tasks overview for details.

The list of Tasks enables you to manage your tasks across all cases You can sort and filter them in order to help you prioritise your work and improve your efficiency. You can also create new tasks, including tasks not tied to a case.

To view the list select the Tasks icon on the toolbar.

The grid on the left hand side has your list of tasks.

  1. Select an option from the dropdown list to view all tasks, or to view only:
    • current tasks
    • overdue tasks
    • recently completed tasks
    • tasks completed in the last 30 days,
    • tasks completed late,
    • unfinished tasks (these may also be completed),
    • future tasks
    • unallocated tasks
  2. You can restrict the list to tasks assigned to you or to another user. If you have permission, you can view tasks for all users.
  3. When you select a task, its details and completion information appears on the right hand side. You can update your tasks in the Task details and Completion tabs.

Add task

You can create new tasks at the Tasks list by clicking the Add New button . The process is the same as creating tasks at a case's tasks tab, except that:

  • You can create tasks that are not linked to a case.
  • You can only create tasks for yourself and for the cases assigned to you.

The new task is immediately added to the case's Tasks grid. It is also added to your list of tasks. However, you may not see it there if you do not have the appropriate setting at A above. For example, if the task starts in the future you will not see it if you are looking at current tasks

Tasks and time management

The list of tasks has list tools that you can use to organise the list. These can help by indicating, for example, which tasks are the most important and/ or urgent.

Choosing columns

You can manage tasks from different perspectives by using the column chooser to choose different columns for the grid.

For example, a consultant might include each task's:

  • due date
  • priority
  • title (e.g. Follow up)
  • client name
  • status
  • % complete


  • whether it has a reminder
  • whether it is mandatory
  • whether it is complete

There are other columns that you can add in order to customise a list of Tasks to your own requirements:

  • Client company
  • Case number
  • Case requirement
  • Case category
  • Case office
  • Case team
  • Contact
  • Contact name
  • Contact company
  • Reminder date
  • Start date
  • Date entered
  • Entered by
  • Employee responsible
  • Role responsible
  • Task details
  • Task completion date
  • Whether task was completed late
  • Late completion details
  • Late completion reason
  • Whether task was finished
  • Whether it was set to Did not finish (DNF)
  • Not finished details
  • Not finished reason
  • Whether the task was generated by a workflow
  • The name of the workflow that generated the task.
  • If the task isn't linked to a workflow this is blank.

Sorting by different columns

You can organise the tasks according to different criteria by clicking a column heading to sort your tasks by this value, for example by the task's due date.


You can use the group by box function to organise tasks into groups based on column headings, for example status. This summarises the tasks information making it quicker to scan.


You can use the filter row to filter your tasks. For example, you could filter the list to show only the tasks with a priority of 1. Filtering is also available through right-clicking the column header and selecting Filter Editor. This allows you build a custom filter that can also evaluate values in several columns if you have very specific reporting requirements. Instructions are at Advanced filters with the Filter Editor.

To filter out blank values you can click the small filter icon on the right hand corner of the column.

Click here to see an older video demonstration of task management.