Contacts and cases

Contacts in the Company List are connected to cases at the case Contacts tab.

  1. When you add a contact to a case by clicking the New Contact icon you are actually adding a connection between the case and a contact in the Company List.
  2. The contact may need to be created first if it does not already exist in the Company List.

    Thus, you start the process of adding a contact to a case by searching the Company List to see whether the contact is in the system.

    See Add contact to a case for full details.

  3. Similarly, when you remove a contact from a case by clicking Delete you are only removing the connection between the contact in the Company List and this case.
  4. The contact continues to be part of the Company List and to be connected to other cases as appropriate.

    To change a certain contact for a case, e.g. the Bill To contact, you should first remove the existing Bill To contact from the case. Then the new Bill To contact can be added to the case in the usual way. Note that if the old Bill To contact is linked to any existing invoices you would retain them in the Contacts tab but un-tick their Bill To role in the case.