Company List grid

The screenshots on this page do not all reflect the new web version yet.

To access the Company List select Lists > Company List from the main menu.

The list looks and behaves in a similar manner to the Case List overview:

  1. This list has standard grid functionality, see List tools for details.
  2. On the left is a list of companies and contacts. One record is selected.
  3. On the right are the details of the selected record, with tabs for its Contact information and settings for the Company and its invoices.
  4. The records of contacts that share a company or location membership are independent but appear in adjacent rows, depending on the filtering and sorting that you have applied to the list.
  5. As at the Case List, more powerful grid functions are available here. Click the icon to specify which members of the list are actually displayed and what information is shown, see Company List Criteria.

Contacts settings

There are several settings at the system-wide Contacts settings where the display of contacts and companies in the list is standardised for your business.

You can specify that the Company List only shows contacts for the current user's primary office and also specify that the contact list only shows contacts for the current user's primary office.