Change contact details at a case

It is important to remember that contact information is shared between the Company List and individual cases, so that an update to a contact at the case updates the information in all cases where it is linked. This system is designed to make it easy for you to maintain easily accessible, up to date contact details.

See sharing of contact information for full details about how sharing works in Case Manager.

Change contact details

At the contact form in the Contact tab you can enter a new mobile phone number, a new email address, a new position, etc, even a new surname if the person changes surnames. These changes will be displayed everywhere the contact appears at cases.


We strongly recommend that you set the Contacts settings so that users cannot change the address or company details at the case. This prevents a user accidentally making unwanted location and company changes, as described at Change contact's details.

You can permit users to change names here, as long as everyone is clear that, for example, if they want to change the Bill To contact for a case, they cannot simply enter a new name in the contact details instead of the existing Bill To contact details. This would rename this contact at the case and also everywhere else it appears in the system.

Remove contact from case

When you remove a contact from a case by clicking the delete contact icon you are only removing the connection between the case and this contact in the Company List.

The contact continues to be part of the Company List and to be connected to other cases as appropriate.

To change a certain contact for a case, e.g. the Bill To contact, you should first remove the existing Bill To contact from the case.

Then the new Bill To contact can be added to the case in the usual way.

Note that if the old Bill To contact was linked to any existing invoices you would retain them in the Contacts tab but un-tick their Bill To role in the case.


  • It's worth repeating that some may be tempted to change the case Bill To contact by locating the name of the existing Bill To contact and typing in the new Bill To contact's name here. However, this will change the existing contact's name everywhere it appears in the entire system, which is not the desired outcome. See Change contact's details for further information.
  • A Contacts settings specifies whether when you remove a contact from a case and it is not linked to any other cases the contact is also deleted from the Company List.