Lab - Reports
The screenshots on this page do not all reflect the new web version yet.
There's some things you need to know about your cases. It's time for some reports.

Clearly you need to create an Overdue Accounts report.
Exercise 1
- Select View > Reports from the main menu.
- Select Overdue Accounts Detail from the list on the left hand side of the window.
- In the Company section you can focus the report on one company or report on all companies.
- In the Category dropdown you can select one or more case categories.
- At the Employee dropdown list click the check box for Lisa Holley to select cases assigned to her.
- Click Preview on the right hand side to have a quick look at the report. If this is acceptable the report can be printed or saved to a file (i.e. PDF).
- Close the preview window.

To answer this you could create a simple ad hoc report of the Case List showing costs billed to Allianz.
Save the Case List Criteria settings as a view so that you can perform the same report later.
At the Case List export the output to an MS Excel file.
Exercise 2
- Click the Case List Criteria button
- Select the Save tab.
- Click New.
- Re-name the Current view to Allianz.
- Click the Filter tab.
- Select the Company Allianz for the Bill To.
- Click the Columns tab.
- Under the Billing tree select Billed costs.
- Click >>.
- Click the Save tab .
- Click the Save Now button.
- Click the OK button.
Notice that the Case List changes to show billed costs for Allianz cases.
You can export this information to button and selecting Export list to Excel.
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