Invoice email settings

Invoice email templates and settings allow you to standardise invoice emails so you don't need to re-type the same information each time or copy information from each case. You can also regulate who the email is from and who receives it.

Templates save time and reduce errors because they can contain static content (such as images and text), text formatting (such as fonts and sizes) and most importantly, merge fields that are used to extract information from the Case Manager database and add it directly to the email. Email templates can also specify recipients, based on their role in the case.

Any plain or formatted text template can be applied to an invoice email, regardless of whether it is restricted to certain categories.

Like the templates for invoices, there are three levels where you customise invoice email templates and their settings: company, category and global.

To find the invoice email template and settings for a particular invoice email, the system starts by looking at the invoice contact for the invoice being emailed.

  • If invoice email template settings are defined for the invoice contact's company, then they are applied to the invoice email.
  • If not, the system searches for invoice email template settings for the case’s category.
  • If such settings does not exist either, the system uses the global invoice email template settings.

At all three levels you have the same options, including invoice email templates, invoice naming conventions and the address the invoice email is sent from: