Filter grids

Grids (lists) feature throughout Case Manager. There are tools to manage the list itself as well as tools to manage items in the list.

This page applies to most grids in Case Manager. The Case List grid is a little different because you are already looking at a filtered selection. You are only permitted to see certain cases. Cases are selected from this permitted list based on the filter settings in the current view. The grid filter tools described here are applied to this selection.

Filtering a grid involves limiting what is listed so that the grid displays only those records that match your specifications.

These specifications can be based on the value of one or more of the fields in the list. For example in a large list of case documents you could filter for the progress notes that have a particular author.

Filtering can also be a very useful reporting tool because you can create a quick report by filtering a grid and then printing the information or exporting to Excel.

A great filter tip

The wildcard filter technique involves typing an asterisk (*) before your text in the column's filter row. This display all records in the list where that text occurs anywhere in the column.