Tasks and performance

The screenshots on this page do not all reflect the new web version yet.

Tasks describe units of work that should be completed within specified periods of time, see Tasks overview for full details. Tasks may also be generated by workflows.

If you have the appropriate permission, you can view the list of Tasks for all users. This can be used to analyse the work done and/or to be done by your employees. It provides valuable information on how your staff are performing and hence, offers quality management reporting.

The flexible reporting enabled by the use of standard grid functions, combined with the ability to export this data to MS Excel, allows you to analyse performance from numerous perspectives.

To view the list select View > Tasks from the main menu.

The grid on thetop has the list of tasks.

  1. You can choose whether to view all tasks or to view only: current tasks, overdue tasks, recently completed tasks, tasks completed in the last 30 days, tasks completed late, unfinished tasks (these may also be completed), future tasks or unallocated tasks.
  2. You can restrict the list to tasks assigned to you or another user, or you can view tasks for all users. To view tasks for all employees select the option ------- from the Employee name dropdown list.
  3. When you select a task, its details and completion information appears on the bottom.

Click here for a video demonstration of the list of Tasks and workflows combining to provide quality management. Note that this is the Windows version of Case Manager, however you should still find it useful.

Ad hoc reports on task performance

The list's tools - the column chooser, sorting and filtering - provide tools for flexible reporting of the information in the list and analysing task performance by different parameters.

A useful set of columns to display are:

  • Employee
  • Late Reason Completion
  • Late Reason Completion Details
  • DNF (Did not Finish)
  • Not Finished reason
  • Not Finished details
  • Workflow tasks
  • Mandatory tasks
  • Client company
  • Priority
  • Date due

The full list of potential columns is at Task columns.

You can order this list in numerous ways. For example you could sort the list by whether the task was generated by a workflow or not.

You can collect the information in the list into groups. For example you could group all the late reason completion tasks together and study why late tasks occur.

You can select parts of the list to view. For example you could filter your tasks by a certain client company before a meeting where you want to report on your performance.

Export to Excel

Once are displaying the data you need in this list, you can export it to an Excel file and further manipulate and/or visualise it.