The Case List as a grid

As outlined in the Overview, you only have access to certain cases in the system.

The Case List Criteria enable you to quickly change the Case List display. Collections of criteria settings are saved as views. There is always one saved view in operation at any time and it is simple to change views. See Case List Criteria for full details.

You can see the saved view currently in operation above the Case List.

The Case List has access to most of grid item tools and grid list tools. The list tools are explained below.

Managing the list

The list of cases you see in the Case List depends firstly on the filter settings in the current Case List Criteria saved view and then on any local grid filters.

Similarly, the case columns you see depends on the column settings at the Case List Criteria.

And the sorting order of the cases depends firstly on the settings in the saved view. Any local grid sorting overrides this order.

Thus, at the Case List the standard grid tools available to all grids apply to the results of the Case List Criteria settings in the current saved view. The Case List has most of the features available for grids, so you can use other list tools, such as grouping, printing and exporting to Excel. You can also use the arrow keys to move up and down the list.